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Disinfectant Wipes Could Pose Danger to Children

Posted on February 10, 2020

Some disinfectant wipes have hazardous chemicals listed in their ingredients that could put young children at risk, warned Consumer Reports in a recent article.

Some ingredients, such as bleach and hydrogen peroxide, were not considered a “significant danger,” according to the report. However, other chemical compounds were identified are hazardous. These compounds, known as quaternary ammonium compounds (or QACs) are included on the EPA’s list of registered pesticides that can cause eye, skin and upper respiratory problems. For these reasons, such pesticides must carry a warning label that reads “keep out of the reach of children.”

The major concern is that these wipes are heavily marketed to schools. “Kids breathe more air per pound of bodyweight than an adult does,” said Dr. Jerome Paulson, pediatrician and George Washington University professor. “As a result, a child’s exposure to the same level of chemicals will be higher than an adult’s.” Experts say that a safer option is to use soap and water for cleaning and disinfecting. There also are alternatives to disinfectant wipes that may be found on the EPA website.

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