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Rhogam Use After Childbirth

Posted on June 30, 2013

During childbirth a baby’s blood may mix with the mother’s blood, and if they contain different types of the Rh protein, it may trigger the mother’s immune system to attack the baby’s blood. The use of the Rhogam injection helps prevent this attack from occurring. This injection after birth is only necessary when the mother is Rh-negative and the baby is found to be Rh-positive. Rhogam is a medication given to a pregnant mother to help prevent the development of Rhesus disease in her baby. The medicine prevents the mother’s immune system from attacking different blood cells that have entered her system from the fetus. It is normally administered at around 28 weeks and then after birth as well. The Rhogam injection given after birth is referred to as the “Postpartum Rhogam.”

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