Another Fisher-Price Recall

The Fisher-Price Ultra-Lite Play Yard with the inclined sleeper accessory
Just weeks after the Fisher-Price recall of close to 5 million Rock ‘n Play sleepers, the company has released details of another product with potentially dangerous deficiencies.
In this recall, it’s the inclined sleeper accessories that come with the Fisher-Price Ultra-Lite Day & Night Play Yards. While there have been no reported injuries with these specific accessories, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, “[i]nfant fatalities have been reported while using other inclined sleep products, after the infants rolled from their back to their stomach or side while unrestrained, or under other circumstances.”
While a news report on the Rock ‘n Play sleeper recall noted that Fisher-Price did not claim responsibility for the infant deaths but rather blamed the fatalities on a failure to follow safety instructions, product liability law dictates that in some cases, a plaintiff is only required to demonstrate that the product caused injury due to the defect -- the reason for the defect is irrelevant.
If you need assistance with a product liability lawsuit in Philadelphia, look no further than The Duffy Firm. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.